Friday, December 08, 2006

christmas package!

Today I had 3 mail packages arrive at the apartment! (Mom, Dad and Julie - I can't wait to see whats inside!) It was this cute little old man in a delivery suit who came to my door. I can't believe how prompt everyone is here. I told the company I was going to be in the apartment between 5-7pm and sure enough the packages arrived at 4:56! I was so excited that they had arrived. I told the delivery man that they were from Canada. His eyes seemed to light up, "OHHHHHH . Canada. Very cold." (I've noticed that's what the general consensus seems to be around these parts - Canada is cold - all the time. It only has snow and everyone lives in an igloo. It gets me to think about the stereotypes I have of Japan sometimes. ) I kept saying, "Arigato.Arigato." Both of us got caught up in simultaneously bowing. As he crept away from my door, he kept bowing...I kept bowing...he kept get the picture!. Man, what a wonderful way to get a Christmas package in the mail. It made me chuckle to myself.

Now, if I only I could open these packages. I will be tempted to do so over the next couple weeks before Christmas. I hate waiting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a nice thing to read, I wish I had packages delivered to my door!! haha... I hope things are going well... I just wanted to say Hi and say that I was thinking about you!!! Have a wonderful Christmas!!

Your friend at King's!