Monday, December 11, 2006

85% of Japanese have never tasted turkey.

A travesty, to be sure.

I found some interesting things about Japan which you might not have known!

Ok, I can't take credit for this whole list, but I found some of these points to be rather amusing. I've added my own comments for kicks. It gives you a better sense, hopefully of this things I experience or see on a daily basis. Somedays, I can't even believe it myself.

A can of Coca-Cola costs more than one dollar US from a vending machine.
Japanese people, in general, can't drive very well. (no kidding! Interesting fact, however - my roomate Hanna's boyfriend Nobu went to driving boot camp a couple weeks ago. They literally get shipped off to Hokkaido to learn how to drive in a period of 2 weeks. Hanna said that Nob didn't sleep the whole time he was there! Emersion by fire. Thats the Japanese way.)
Restaurants in Japan (including many fast-food places) give you moist towels or wipes before or with your meal.
At many businesses in Japan, they offer alcohol to the employees after six pm. (I've heard that some bosses here even require or demand their employees to go to an isakai - Japanese bar- after work. They cannot refuse. Hmm. If only all bosses demanded this of their employees. What a world. What a world)
On Respect for the Aged Day, tobacco companies will hand out free cigarettes to the elderly outside of train stations and department stores. ("Hey, would you like some lung cancer with those wrinkles, sir?)
The Japanese love corn, sesame seeds, and mayonnaise on their pizza. (even if you request no mayo - it somehow manages to sneak its way into your food somehow! the japanese obsession with mayo - I will never understand it.)
There are no 24 hour ATMs in Japan (closed on holidays and many only open during normal bank hours).
The green traffic light is called "blue". (whatever.)
Slurp your soup. (you really must try it. I can't eat soup any other way now. Well, most of it somehow lands on my clothes most of the time.)
Newspaper editors make their headlines so as to not attract attention. (if only I could say the same thing about the fashion here.)
KFC is the place to be on Christmas Day.
Japan has about 1,500 earthquakes each year.
In the Japanese language, it is considered rude to say the word "no" directly.
It is nearly impossible to become a naturalized citizen of Japan.
You can smoke just about anywhere. (you can also drink just about anywhere too. Umm. Not that I would point...
Japanese people take a hot bath every night, some do not have showers installed in their bathrooms.
There is no insulation in Japanese homes' walls. (your tellling me!!! its cold in here!)
Japan has roughly 200 volcanoes.
It is considered rude to show signs of affection toward a loved one in public. (speaking of which. i could use a good squeeze right now. wheres my dad when I need him!)
When you go to a funeral or a wedding you must take a gift of money.
Three words: "heated toilet seats". (I adore these!!! They are the key to a happy life here.)
In Japan, flower arranging is an art. (so is trying to squat over a Japanese toilet!)
The new generation of Japanese people are not as short as Westerners think. (true - THEY ARE EVEN SHORTER!!)
You can buy batteries, beer, wine, condoms, cigarettes, comic books, hot dogs, light bulbs, and used women's underwear from vending machines. (its basically the land of convienience.)
Many Japanese people eat rice with or for their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Never stick your chopsticks upright in your rice. This is an old Japanese custom and is what is done when food is offered to the dead. When it is not an offering it is considered to be a very ill omen.
In Japan you will find cars by the names of "It's", "Let's", "Sunny", "Perky", "Gloria", "Move", "Toppo", "Lepo" and "Dump". (these sound like good pet names. if only I had one to name.)
McDonalds employees will run outside to give you your drive-thru order. (it seems everywhere you go here - customer service people are always in a hurry to help you. Always running or rushing or apoligizing for the wait. Japanese defanition of a long wait: 2 minutes. They take their jobs so seriously here.)
The Japanese visit shrines and give eachother money for New Year's.
It is impolite to tear the wrapping paper off of a gift.
Japanese junior high school students do not need to pass any of their classes to graduate. Education only through junior high school is compulsory.
Young women will hand you toilet paper outside of train stations. (there is literally a job for anyone in this country.)
There is almost no vandalism in Japan.
Gas station attendants will bow as the car pulls out of the station. (The gas station outside my apartment does this regularly in the mornings.!)
It is socially acceptable to pick your nose in public and urinate at the side of the road, but you cannot blow your nose in public. (Seriously. Most mornings I'm able to catch at least, no joke, 3 people digging for gold!)
Approximately 85% of Japanese people have never tasted turkey. (I want to cry. It is the essence of life!)
Japan is about the size of California and has half the population of the entire United States.
Snowmen in Japan are made of two large snowballs instead of three. (ummm. ok. I will remember that if I ever try to make one here.
It will always take one to two hours for a pizza to be delivered.
There is at least one vending machine on every corner. (for every vending machine, there is also a Starbucks as well, I'm convinced.)


Jacinda said...

its nice to hear more of what its like where you are. Some of that stuff its crazy!!!!
Sending you a BIG SQUEEZE!!!!!!!
Love you girl!


bri said...

That is awesome! I love this list. love it. and can totally understand the rice three times a day thing. I eat more rice here in one week than I have in the past 20 years of my life in Canada!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jane:
Just love reading your blogs! That whole turkey thing astounds me!
Thinking of you often and missing your laugh and your sparkling eyes!
Love you over here in Ontario!
God bless,
The Nymans

Jane said...

oh really mr. anonymous. sounds interesting.
if only we could all earn $900 having fun.