Thursday, April 19, 2007

the 5 senses of home

As I woke up this morning, I thought to myself, hmm...this time next week, I will be waking up in my parents house, in soft, cozy covers. There is something about going home that recharges us, that some how gives us perspective on the world once again. Hold that thought...maybe its actually the soft, cozy covers that give us that perspective. In the midst of packing and attempting to sort through my never ending laundry, I am awaiting the moments where I can crash onto a fluffy bed, be embraced by my dads famous bear hugs, smell and taste my moms food, hear my sister playing piano downstairs, and see my friends faces after 7 months.
These moments have been missed. On any given day, maybe these individual things are not so special. But, I have found that over the last 7 months, its the things that I have taken for granted in the past, that I have missed. The small things. The things that I evidently love about home the most.
Only 4 more days.
I can't wait.
I can't wait.

In desperate anticipation,



bri said...

i miss you! i think its getting worse knowing that you're getting closer!

Dad said...

Just a few hugs away! Dad