Friday, March 30, 2007

"how long until my soul gets it right..."

So, lately I would call myself a procrastinator. I have been setting goals for myself, telling myself a deadline...and then, it all falls by the wayside. As I am getting ready to come home for a visit in the next few weeks, there are things that I just can't ignore. Like working out re-entering the country when I come back to Japan, and transfering money etc. And, last week my bike was taken from outside the train I must identify and colllect it at an office a few stations away. Argh. Sounds like identifying a dead body or something.

None of these things I want to do. But, I must do them. Argh.

Yesterday, I watched a movie during the day, and then decided I must make my way to the bank in the afternoon, think I would have enough time. Yeah. It was closed. So, my deadline for transfering money is out the window. Argh.

Today, I thought I would really make an effort to get these things accomplished. AFter getting off at 2pm from work, I make my way to the city ward office in hopes of getting a re-entry permit - so I can come back into the Japan. I arrived to a busy office, and many line ups. I stopped by the information desk, and I asked them about getting a re-entry, they not only pointed me in the right direction, but they took me where I needed to go. I waited for about 30 minutes (its ok. i don't mind waiting so much), and proceed to the which they told me a need to go to the immigration office- on other end of the city! Argh. I minded this.

What I don't understand about Japan sometimes is that they seem to hand you off to another then wait...for another wait again...for yet another person to tell you, you are in the wrong place. Argh.

So, by this time, its around 3:30, so I make my way to the immigration office - 2 trains to get there. And, I take what I thought was the right exit...and underestimating the number of exits there actually were. I go in the direction of what I thought was north for about 10 minutes. I stop in at a hotel, and ask the front desk (in japanese, I might add)...and basically find out I have been walking in the wrong direction. So, I quickly make my way in the right direction. I turn, at what I thought was the right corner, and somehow find myself in a seniors home! I asked once again where the office is, and they give me what seems like better directions. I walk 10 more minutes and find what I think is the immigration office. A big tall building with the word passport written on it.Then, I soon discover that this is not infact the immigration office. Of course its not. That would just be too easy wouldn't it. Argh.

I head back out onto the street...stop for a quick cold latte...soon regrettting this decision.

I FINALLY make it to the immigration office. And after talking the elevator to a series of 3 wrong floors, I come to where I need to be...its 4:15pm.

And I am greeted by a sign saying "CLOSED"




By this time, I had broken a sweat. I threw out my half empty cold coffee in the garbage, and sadly make my way back to the was not a good day in Japan. As I sit with my alcoholic drink beside me...I contemplate...why is it the things you think will take a short time, end up taking 3 times as long, and the things you think will be difficult end up being simple and brainless.

Argh. And again I say...argh!


Anonymous said...

oh jane...I feel for you. It really sounds like you are ready to come home for a visit and spend some time with your favorite ontarions! Keep your head up and keep smiling. We will keep you in our prayers in the next few weeks as you head home. I know you must be excited as are we to see you! We miss and love you!


bri said...

I love you despite your frustration. I miss you. My heart hurts. And I want to see you.

LindsayAnne said...

argh. grrr. understand your frustration...although i'm sure you're over that day by now i still say pole sana rafiki yangu (so sorry my friend!)