Tuesday, February 20, 2007

the most random of the random

So the other night, my friend Bill and I went to Juso (a more seedy part of Osaka. as he puts it) to try and find a place to eat. We searched for what seemed like an eternity. A Turkish restraunt. Closed. An indian restraunt. Closed. Passed by an art bar as well...and guess what...closed.

Amidst the old train tracks, the cold weather and the dicey dark street corners (I felt safe with a rather tall Australian by my side), we found this hole in the wall bar/restraunt. Not knowing what we were stepping into, we sheepishly entered. To our surprise, the two owners of this place, welcomed us with no hesitation. They kept insisting to us that they "are knowing english so well" and we kept insisting that our japanese was, well, less than adequate. Made for an interesting time. While the pizzas we ordered were somewhat, well, disappointing (everything seems bigger in the picture on the menu), and Bill and I feel somewhat out of place, all the people in this rather seedy area of Osaka, seemed to have some sort of warmth and welcoming spirit. Could have been the intoxication in the air, or maybe just the man who kept insisting that my name was "Kat" - not sure how he got this one. We laughed, carried on about...well...I'm not exactly sure really.

One owner kept insisting on us trying his special house dressing on our $3.50 sliced tomato, the other watching us intently, always making sure we had everything we needed. We were even offered some umeshu from a nice man and his wife, who helped us with the menu. full of 25% alcohol. The umeshu and the man who offered it to us!

We laughed, continually apologized for our bad Japanese, and headed on our way. As we left, we must have bowed simultaniously with the owners about 20 times. I love Japan for this reason. No one can ever be thankfull enough.

We walked closer to the centre of Juso. A group of about 10 Japanese people, having just come from an isakaya (I realize I spell this different every time I mention it), and I offered (feeling confident after my umeshu. yes. ok. i had some) to take their picture. They then proceeded to take our picture as well.

We continued to walk down the small, brightly lit, winding streets of Juso and we then came to another small bar, which apparently has the most expensive beer in Osaka. They are known for it. One girl at the window told us that they were on t.v. just for this fact. One man then asked if Bill and I were married. We said no. He offered us to come inside. We declined. He insisted. I said, "We need to be going" - in Japanese, and the man held his heart, looked at me, and sighed as we walked away. Oh my.

If this wasn't enough, we then stumbled across some random breakdancers at the train station. Seriously. I was blown away. I have never seen those kind of moves...come to thing of it...I have never seen those hair styles either...Simply amazing. They asked what we thought. In Japanese. I proceed to tell them that I though they were the best in Osaka. "Watashi wa anata ichiban Osaka o mou," - I exclaimed. At least...I hope I did. We laughed. They laughed. Said something else in Japanese. Not sure what it was. We laughed again. And went on our way.

To add sprinkles on this cake...we then stopped to have a bite to eat...the pizza didn't quite cut it...and a man walked in to the sukiya, carrying a man purse. My first sighting of an actual purse. Not just a shoulder bag. But a man purse. The small kind - white, hand held, with animal print.

We walked back from this seedy area...which ended up taking us much longer than expected...returned to Shin Osaka...were I entered my apartment to find a notice for a pipe cleaning. And that, we should be prepare for a man to enter the apartmet on Wednesday, and he will stay for exactly 3 minutes. No more. No less. To do what? I'm not sure exactly. I just know that it will take 3 minutes. And that the company is very "sorry for any inconvienience (I spelt that wrong didn't I...its late.) this may cause." 3 minutes. 3 minutes people. The climax of my random night.

i love japan. Gong!

1 comment:

bri said...

What a fun night, thats awesome...i love it! Plus I got this awesome postcard yesterday in the mail from Osaka!! thank you so much, it made my day! Glad to see you and Bill are making time to hang out even though he's moved away! Talk to you soon hopefully!