Tuesday, February 20, 2007

himeji: a castle, a garden, and a tea ceremony

My day off today took me to Himeji, just west of Osaka. About 1 hr on the JR Train. Little did I know how beautiful this would be. Travelling beside the ocean for a bit, seeing the mountains to my right, my journal in hand, and new music on my mp3. And nothing but blue skies above.

I walked out of the station, and only a few steps to the end of the street where I was greeted by the magnificent Himeji Castle. Also known as "White Egret" - because of the castle's striking white form. Walking the grounds surrounding the castle were breathtaking. The cherry blossoms are just barely peaking through. The castle has 5 stories, donjons, and is surrounded by moats and defensive walls. Walking inside the castle, I got a better sense of samurai culture, as the walls are decorated with various samurai garb and defense tools. Comlimented with the blue sky outside, and the mild weather, my visit to this castle was memorable.

I then walked further down the street and came to Koko-en, a series of 9 Japanese gardens. With the castle as a backdrop. Many ponds with carp swimming, small waterfalls, and more cherry blossoms, this was another highlight of my day. This was lovely. I then had the chance to participate in a tea ceremony, and an actual tea house! I walked in to the house, took of my shoes, and entered onto the tatami mat floors. I was greeted by 2 women in kimonos. I kneeled, and the brought the very green tea, and a small treat. They then kneeled in front of me, and we bowed to each other. Luckily, a women beside me what helping me with the motions. And so was her three year old son. With the garden just behind us, and sliding glass doors to look out on, I had a moment. I have been waiting for something like this. The tea ceremony is really a symbol of hospitality and simplicity, I think. I felt so honoured to be apart of it.

I left and then continued to wander around the base of the castle. Reveling in the fresh air and the beauty of my surroundings. Everything from seeing the first buds of the blossoms to seeing the castle, it was a day off to remember.

Wishing you could have been there.

Posted some pictures, so you can take a look if you like!

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