Monday, December 04, 2006

where are you christmas?

December. 3 month anniversary. It seems like Christmas is just around the corner. I'm still not sure what my plans are for the holidays. I think its going to be a little strange being away from friends and family over Christmas. So much of what I associate with the holiday is centred around these things. Not to mention going to the Christmas eve service at my parents church. Lighting candles. Singing. And eating way too much food. Mom's sweddish meatballs.

Most of the other teachers and I will be working Christmas Day, but then after that I have a 9 day break. I'm pondering a few ideas - a friend invited me to go to Hokkaido where there is some beautiful skiing and onsens. Or there is the option of Nagano as well for skiing. While both are expensive but fantastic, part of me wants to take my backpack again and just travel around the mainland of Japan more. Not having any sort of plan, but just taking my map and seeing where the days will take me. I know I want to do some skiing up here and more sightseeing. It could be the perfect chance to catch some good sights with the snow and everything. I don't think this itch I have to see this country will ever be satisfied. I just want to see it all.

Its so different here. CHristmas is not really celebrated here. Its really only about decorations in the department stores and seeing the occasional Santa Claus in the train station. THinking about this seems to give me an empty feeling inside. Maybe God is challenging me to see Christmas in a new way this year. Perhaps to have it re-defined. In a way that might actually put him at the very centre of his whole adventure I'm on. What will Christmas be like this year? I don't know.
Maybe I have to see Christmas as an adventure as well.

I heard this song today, and thought of you all:

"I can hear you laugh when I close my eyes.
I can picture your face and the strength inside your smile"

Thanks for your keeping in touch everyone.


Anonymous said...

my dear jane,
you are an insightful woman. I pray that your Christmas holidays are filled with warmth and meaning. I'll be thinking of you especially when i'm purchasing our annual gift! haaa. Sarah xoxoox

Jane said...

oh yes, the annual unmentionable gift. ha.ha.

Jacinda said...

oooo, i like it. Our annual unmentioanlble gifts. Sounds mysterious.