Sunday, November 26, 2006

MSG and life span expectancy

Hanna, my aussie roomate, recently bought MSG in a bottle at the grocery store. The forbidden ingredient in Chinese food you always hear about! No kidding. You can literally sprinkle it on fish or meat, like salt. If its so bad for you, why do Asians generally live longer than most of us North Americans? Not sure how much of the credit goes to MSG or sure is tasty stuff. I hope to increase my life span by at least 10 years.

*please note: I'm only joking. do you really think I would be this dumb? I am well aware that MSG is associated with many nervous system problems. Just trying to get a rise out of people. Jeepers creepers!


LindsayAnne said...

jane don't eat it!!! ......
ummm. i don't know what else to say about msg cuz any thoughts are easily argued by your blog post. so yeah. ttyl:P

Jane said...

Do you think I was actually going to eat this stuff??? I was totally joking. I know MSG is bad for you. I was just being random.