Monday, October 23, 2006

sushi: to much of a good thing.

too much sushi today...for lunch and dinner. I think I have become addicted. Tuna, salmon, snapper - you name it, I ate it. I just love this stuff so much. I feel somewhat cultured when I go to the sushi places around here. Sam and his girlfriend Yumi showed me the Japanese way to eat sushi tonight - by putting the whole thing in your mouth at once. Good and bad advice. Unfourtunately, with this method, your head is not able to keep up with your stomach.

Hello my name is Jane, and I'm a sushi addict.


cayliedawn said...

i secretly read YOUR blog! but now you know.

take good care!

Sarah said...

i love your humour!

bri said...

haha! okay, Jane, I now have a visual of you toppling over in the streets and Japan and it has made my day. On top of that, I am jealous of your sushi cause I could really go for some right about now...and I wanted to say that I watched Lost in Translation last night and thought of you all the way through. Ah my friend, I love the internet and being able to keep up with you out there!