Thursday, October 26, 2006

gen-ki des ka?

In the last couple weeks, I have met a new friend - Yuji. He works at the Starbucks close to my school. Since I come to Starucks quite a bit, he excitedly introduced himself to me one day by writing his name down on a reciept. In attempting to give me a taste test of the latest Starbucks coffee, we kept apologizing to each other for our lack of language skills. Dispite my lack of Japanese, and his little English, we have somehow managed to share a laugh or two. Over coffee last night, Yuji and I decided to become language exchange partners. I have finally come to the conclusion that I can't just rely on my mime artistry in order to communicate with the people here. I have managed to pick up a few words and phrases here and there, but expecially to interact and meet new people, I want to hopefully carry a conversation - especially with Yuji (ok...if you haven't guess already, I think he's cute mostly, but getting to learn Japanese is just an added bonus of getting to hang out with him!)


bri said...

haha, language exchange partners eh? interesting. I've never heard it called that, but it works! haha

Jacinda said...

hahaha. i can see it now, Jane-son sipping coffee in Japan. Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jane......We are getting excited!!! Exchange partners eh??
Gerri just might have a "moment" if she hears a few more details!
Starbucks or star-struck...hmmmm
Love ya tons!

Candice said...

Oh Jane... ;o) I can imagine you laughing and having fun together over coffee! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Sounds like you're having a marvelous time!

LindsayAnne said...

Jane!! o dear. i hope language lessons go well:P

Anonymous said...

Ok Jane, I just a little concerned...Yuji definitely doesn't sound like a Baptist name...what would your mother say?? Just kidding..hope you're doing well! We miss you...

Anonymous said...

Oh Jane, Sounds like a blast... But don't let Yugi get too close, or I'll be doing a hand check... hahaha... HOpe you actually get to learn some Japanese in the process. haha.

Jane said...

Mark - I can't believe you just wrote that! My mom will laugh when she reads that. I don't want her to get the wrong idea or anything!
And yes, Bri, "language exhange" its called - your cute, and I want to exchange a language with you (or perhaps a least a phone number with you) HA! Ha!