Friday, October 20, 2006

a few lonely pics for ya.

My apartment #206 at Shin-Osaka Nanai Biru. Trying to make it more homey everyday. As you can see, its very simple. Living here is really teaching me how little I can actually live on - and be quite content actually! We have a little balcony to hang our laundry on and chat with our neighbors. Myriahs room is too the right - not in the picture - with tatami mats and sliding doors.

This is my very simple room. Its a work in progress. I'm trying to put little touches here and there. Whatever inspires me. Notice the futon! Jer, I hope you can see the photoalbum you gave me right beside my bed! The bicycle I have been talking about. "The blue bullet" I'm calling her. Notice the sweet basket on the front.
One of my days off to Osaka Castle.

This is all I have right now folks. I managed to email these to myself from my mobile phone. More coming, I promise.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

This morning I discovered your blogs. Thanks for posting these. It was great to read about your experiences. What a great way to let us all know how you are doing. I love some of the pictures. I must get to Japan one of these years, and see and experience it for myself.
Great to hear that you are experiencing God's presence. Truly, our God is faithful and trustworthy. What a comfort to know that!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
I guess I forgot to type in my name. The previous comment "anonymous said..." was actually me. It takes a while, but us old professors do eventually learn new tricks!!!

Jane said...

Dr. B,

Good to hear from you! I love getting surprise visits. So good to hear from you. And hey, your not old! Learned any new dance moves lately???? HA! HA! I will forever remember Jer's wedding, and you on the dance floor!