Tuesday, October 31, 2006

falling leaves in the land of the rising sun...

"Cohee, ko-ko de kudasai"
I would like a coffee, to stay. Please
(my latest phrase. Wonder where I learned to say this? You guessed it.)

Currently listening: Feist, Open Season
Latest wierd sighting: old lady sleeping on subway gradually made her way onto the lap of an unsuspecting teenager. I chuckled to myself

Its almost embarrassing how the staff at Starbucks know me here now. But, its fun at the same time, because it has really helped me be more confident with the phrases that I'm learning here and there. I'm probably known by them as the girl who gets coffee like 10 times a day. "Oh, here she comes again, the girl who gets coffee like 10 times a day."
Saw Yuji unexpectedly today. That was a nice surprise. We keep trying to test each other on what we remembered. I managed to ask him, in Japanese, how his day was. We laughed. He seemed impressed. I had to get back to work, so it was brief visit, but needless to say, my day was a little brighter after that. Get this, in Sunday Voice class (where students get to simply have free conversation time with me about any topic. My very favorite time of day at work!), there are a couple students who know about my little crush, and they keep asking me about Yuji. Its really cute.
(Having these little experiences has really been helping me combat the homesickness I experience from time to time now. I think reality is really starting to settle in. Not the "let down" kind of reality- just the, "oh ****, I really am in a foreign country for more than just 2 weeks" type of reality.

The other day, I was so drained. It was hard getting up in the morning. I have had trouble sleeping the last few nights. Not sure why. I remember on the train, and listening to this song by Tim Hughes, and quietly saying to myself, "Lord, please teach me how to love my students in a new way today. I feel like I don't have the energy." The first two classes in the morning were tough, but then it was like God literally pressed in my heart and fell in my lap, and changed the way I saw them. My lessons transformed into not just me teaching english, but seeing them as really lovely and enjoyable people.
I just felt the excitement in one of my students today as she learned the new phrase, "I'd like to return this sweater please. There's a whole in the sleeve." So simple, yet I could tell she felt so proud about being able to say a full sentance finally. These are the moments I really look forward to in the day. Although teaching can be exhausting at times, all it takes is one student who feels good about what they've learned, and I seriously want to hug them! This one student in particular, an older lady, you all would want to hug her too!! She is precious in my sight.
I've found teaching so far to be mainly about self exploration. I think I've learned more about myself in the last 2 months than I have in the last 2 years. It can be scary at times. But, generally, I think God is really helping me be ok with it.

I now have my 2 days off. I'm finally going to be making a long awaited trip to Kyoto (only 30 minutes away from Osaka by the Hanku Line!). I've been hearing from students that the leaves are beginning to change there. Along with all the many beautiful temples and shrines located in the hub of Kyoto, this is sure to be more than worth the visit. I booked a guesthouse there for the next few nights. I'm needing to get out of this big city Osaka for more than just a few hours. Not sure of my exact plans yet, I'm just excited to see where the sun takes me.

Until we meet again. The next time I'm in Starbucks, I will imagine you all there, sipping a latte with me.



Jacinda said...

My Dear Jane, i do miss you. But im so glad you are there, learning about yourself, your students, and our Lord God. Im so excited to hear your stories about your classes and your "crush." I wish i could be there to cry and laugh with you. Have fun on your trip to Kyoto. Im praying for you friend.


bri said...

So nice to get out of a city for a while. I totally understand. When I took that trip to the Sundarbans it was exactly what I needed...to get away from Dhaka. Good to read about your life again,


Sarah said...

Jane, I'm excited to read about your little holiday. Enjoy your moments away from the normal life. Seep it all it. Blessings my friend.

cayliedawn said...

"Not the "let down" kind of reality- just the, "oh ****, I really am in a foreign country for more than just 2 weeks" type of reality." - genius. couldn't have said it better myself.

hope you're having a great time. always good to hear about other people's crushes.

LindsayAnne said...

love ya Jane. I hope God keeps allowing you to see your students through his eyes...with his love...
I have had a few overwhelming mornings myself. I hope your little vacation from Osaka (o dear did i spell it right?) is refreshing