Friday, September 15, 2006

a new sushi restraunt, and oh yeh, mating cats outside my window

so, I found out today why I have had trouble sleeping the last few nights...mating season for cats. Yep. I was explaining to my boss this morning about this horrific, ear piercing noise I have been hearing late at night. He explained that it is in fact that time of year! These tomcats seem like they are everywhere. Specifically, right outside my window. Seriously...I have heard tomcats before...but not like this. I wish I could record the sound for you. My poor, poor, poor ears. I swear, it like a whole other breed of sound.

Other than cats in heat, I tried a new sushi restraunt tonight by my house (sorry about the awful transition, I just had to tell you all). Loved it. I think to eat there, you need to like experimenting. I tried some dumplings, a dish of tofu and some radishes. There were about 6 chefs working behind the counter, and they, knowing little english, and me knowing little Japanese, managed to identify a few dishes for me. All I heard was lots of "hi" "hi" "hi" "hi"'s, but still, they were very enthusiastic. I learned that some sushi chefs actually study for like 10 years to perfect their craft. I can see why alot of the food here is basically a work of art. You almost hate to eat it, it looks so beautiful.

Just another day in Japan, I guess. Random, its all random.


LindsayAnne said...

Hi Jane! I finally got to read your blog! I love reading your writing because I can imagine you laughing. Esp about the tomcats. I'm so happy to hear you've found a good bible study group and I hope it continues to go well. I'm excited to hear more- Keep up the good work and I wish you minimal homesickness and many blessings! God is Good! Keep in touch my friend.

bri said...

Oh Jane,

So good to read about your adventures. I'm in the midst of my chaotic getting ready to go, but I still enjoy catching up on your adventures. Hey, I don't think I know your e-mail address, but I just sent out an e-mail that says I'm doing a blog too, so although there's nothing on it now, there will probably be in the next litte while. its (I didn't know you were "jane in japan" before I did "bri in bangladesh" so I didn't rip off your idea, but i do enjoy that our names work so well with our countries. Isn't alliteration wonderful!)


Anonymous said...

oh Jane, i love hearing your stories. i cant imagine the tomcats, but it sure made me laugh, im sorry. yeah, good ol Randomness, gotta love it. keeps you on your toes. so, had any Bruger King yet? LOL, or a "crunchy mcflurry?" lol.

Anonymous said...

Jane, my love...
Thanks for your blogs... I miss you SO much! This week has been great in Waterloo starting a new program and meeting so many new people, but I miss you and all the other apartment 21 girls SO MUCH! Hun, I'm so glad to hear things are going well with you. God sure does provide eh? (Jehovah Jireh)... Guess what? I have a girl in my class at school that lives just a few doors down from me too! We're becoming good pals! I was thinking the same thing as you ("Thanks God").
Well, all my love dear. I need to talk to you soon. What is the time difference there? I want to make sure I call at a good time...
Love always, Jer