Tuesday, September 12, 2006

God, is that you speaking?

Right now, I`m sitting at opti cafe, sipping an iced mocha, India Arie plays in the background, and I sit... contemplating on experiences thus far.
Well, I got through the 3 days of nauseating training (literally, I was so stressed, I felt sick one morning). At times, I was wondering if I had made the right decision to come to Japan. I was scared. But, stepping into my first lesson at my branch in Kita Senri, I realized, yes, I in fact did make the right decision. (why did I question it in the first place?).

Where do I begin? (why do I feel like I`m saying that alot?). At Nova`s Kita Senri branch, I teach with about 8 other instructors, who have all made me feel so welcome. (by the way, its me and this other girl Nina from Scotland, and like 6 other guys. Goodtimes). The atmosphere is so relaxed here. We all enjoy our studnets so much. A number of them come in like 3 times a week, which means you get to know their faces. One boy, I suspect, has been requesting to have lessons with me. I have had him for the last 3 mornings in a row at the same time.

A treat of my days are Voice classes 1-2 times a day. A number of senior students can get together and just chat in English with an instructor about any topic. Its more informal. The other morning, Alvin my boss, was saying that the students have noticed a new instructor around and they have been wanting to meet me. I walked into the Voice room and the second I did, all I saw were these huge grins of excitement. I said to them, *so, I heard you were wanting to meet me? Well, this is perfect because I have been wanting to meet all of you as well!* They laughed, and the rest of the 40 minutes was spent with them asking me all about Canada, where I live, my family, and why I decided to come to Japan. They also gave me advice on where I should go while I`m here. I was throughly entertained. (little did I know, Alvin later told me that Saturday Voice classes are pretty much like an initiation for new instructors...if they like you, your in!!)

My newest friend, Nina from Scotland and I found out that she lives in the apartment next to me and we both work at Kita Senri! (wow, thanks God!). We have ridden the train together a couple mornings, and have chatted on our balconies a few nights. I always know shes there because I can see her hand with a cigarette on the other side. ha.ha.

So, I also tried out Osaka International Church Saturday night. Turns out, its like 10 other people who meet on Saturdays. Which, I love. Its an electic community who meets for bible study and worship services, and they welcomed me Saturday night with open arms. (I even got a visitors gift...a book of bible verses written in both english and Japanese. So cool). A couple from the States (who came to Japan 10 years ago) leads the service. They even treated me to supper afterwards. One thing that had me weaping, was during the worship time, the song We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin) sung in both Japanese and English. Talk about a goosebump moment.

Today, I had a day off, so I decided to go to Osaka Castle. Just what I needed. So incredible. Not to mention the surrounding gardens, shrines, and fountains.Guys, I:m seriously in so much angst, I want to post pictures, but until I get a laptop, I won`t be able to do so. I can only describe things in words to a certain point. Oh well, they are the best thing I have right now

Hey, I also got a cell phone now. A first. You can text message me if you wish at erickson_jane@k.vodafone.ne.jp or call at 08037707907.

Everyone, thank you for your notes, your news, telling me about your lives, I truely love it. Mom, Dad it was so good to finally chat with you the other morning.

So, I:m doing well. Today I got really emotional (is that a song?). Standing at the top of this castle, I had a moment (as Gerri N would say). I was thinking... God is present in the midst of every moment. Whether in Japan, in Canada, while starting school , while making breakfast, while feeling sad or missing home. He is there.

(hey... the song What a Wonderful World just started playing....
God, is that you speaking?...)



Anonymous said...

My dearest friend, sorry for the tardiness in my bloginess, you have not escaped my thoughts. I'm so proud of you and your excursion to the other side of the world. Isn't it cool how God just lines evrything up to over estimate your own expectations! Did you ever think it would be as good/fun/exciting of a time as it has been? You're a different person already! Stay open to His voice, which ever way He decides to speak. What an amazing time of intimacy for you and Him. Have fun my friend.

"Speak for your servant is listening."
1 Samuel 3:10

Anonymous said...

I "had a moment" again when I read your blog! I know...nothing all that unusual for me! I am just so thrilled for you with all your experiences and your strong faith and love for adventure! You are truly incredible! I love how you find God in everything! He is always with you and you never forget that! Keep the faith and keep looking up (and around and around!!)
Will be posting by snail mail as well in the very near future! Keep a look out!
Much love,
Gerri (and the gang!)