Saturday, September 30, 2006

the curve of learning

I have officially lived 1 month in Japan. I can't believe it. Yesterday was the one month anniversary. To celebrate, I had french toast for the first time in a month. Canadian Maple syrup, compliments of a friend who sent it to me. Man, that was good.
I picked up my official alien registration card yesterday too. I am officially an alien who is registered. That made things feel a bit more permanent. Scary for like 2 seconds, but then I got over it. I walked around Juso station for a bit, outside the Osaka ward office. I love finding these little eclectic places. Side streets with bookstores, moms riding bikes with their kids in the basket, many restraunts and isakiae's at every turn.
The weather today is warm, not hot. Normally, this time of the year, I would start to buy fall clothes and be wearing long sleeve shirts. Not this year. The sun shines brightly in the morning on my way to the subway and as I make my way to work most mornings, I plug in my mp3 to some worship and sit to enjoy the ride across Osaka to the prefecture of Kita Senri. I just noticed this morning, how much I actually see on my way to work - I cross over a river, pass by an old graveyard, a baseball field and Osaka University. Its a quiet ride to work, most days. And, I feel at peace. Sipping my chilled coffee. Excited for the day. Excited to think what I might learn from my students, or what I might learn about myself.
Some mornings, I temporarily forget that I'm in this country. I finally settle into a routine. Then, I see something new (ladies in kimonos walking down the street, every once in a while) or experience something that I have never seen before...and I'm reminded: I'm in Japan. I think I'm learning that you HAVE to see everything as an adventure here. Its a choice I have to make everyday. You can afford not to. Its like, I'm learning to never take anything for granted again. Sometimes, living this consciously all the time can be exhausting. But, I feel alive. In a way that I haven't felt before.
Time for my bedtime, which means, you all will probably just be starting your day. Its 10:45pm here on a Saturday night (so, for all of you its Friday morning 7:45am Alberta time, 8:45 B.C time and 9:45am Ontario time). Whether your at work, school or play - you are in my dreams.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

And 4:45 pm in Kenya!