Sunday, August 27, 2006

goodbye family and E town!

Yesterday was really difficult. I said goodbye to my family at the airport. Previous to the car ride there, my mom and I had a lovely breakfast together and then my good friend Jacinda (the friend I went to Spain with earlier in the summer) came to surprise me with a visit! Already, my spirits felt lifted. We looked at pictures from our trip and she let me know that everything was going to be ok! So, I said yesterday was difficult. But, I haven't actually gotten to the difficult part yet. Once we got to the airport, got checked in, I took one look at my family - and the waterworks turned on full blast! We hugged each other, my parents told me they were proud of me, we cried and cried. (hmmm. I'm finding blogging therapeutic.) Wow, I can't believe I won't see them for a while now. At least not until the webcam, right Dad!? I'm excited for that. I can't even begin to say how grateful I am to you guys for your support over the last few weeks.

I was greeted in the airport in Hamilton by my friends. Ahh, that felt better. Teary plane rides, not recommended.

At this very moment, I'm sitting beside some good friends in Waterloo, Ontario. My friends Jerilee and Mark, who got married earlier in the summer, have graciously let me stay at their house for the next few days before leaving for Osaka tuesday morning. It has been good to be here after feeling heart sick with saying goodbye to my family and everything. (oh my goodness, Mark just put on his "DANGER MEN COOKING" apron! I'm laughing) We spent the day at St. Jacobs Market with a bunch of Mennonites. Pretty amazing to see all the horses and buggies around the town - not to mention the interesting haircuts. (or lack thereof)

I think this is going to be my last blog in Canada. Thanks to everyone for faithfully checking to see how I'm doing. I love your comments and your encouragement. Please just pray for a safe plane ride Tuesday (16 hrs baby!), and that I am able to connect well with the other English teachers I will be meeting on the flight.

I can't believe this is actually happening! I will email you all as soon as I can.
Heres to adventures!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane:
Reading your blog, I cannot imagine how tough it was for you to say good-bye to your family! As hard as it must have been for you, my heart goes out to your mother who I know, will miss you incredibly!! You know us moms....always a mom, always a worry, always those mom thoughts tugging at our heart strings! It comes with the birth certificate!!
As for you will do awesome in Osaka!! You are an inspiration to so many people and you will leave your mark on many in Japan as you have done here in Ontario! Your faith and your love for God and others will shine through!! When we look into the night skies over the next year and see the brightest light glittering in the darkness, we know it will be you shining for all to see!!
Can't wait for "hello" hugs tomorrow!!
God bless you Jane!!
The Nyman gang!

Jane said...


Your words are to kind. I don't deserve such wonderful people like you guys! Thanks for the encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jane,

Well you DID it! You are on your way to Japan as I write! I'm SO proud of you. You are going to do GREAT out there! Thanks SO much for sharing your last weekend with us in Ontario! We had such a blast with you!

Hun, my prayers are with you over the next few days as you settle and meet new people there. I know it was very hard for you to leave this past week. But hun, God is going with you -- he is our Emmanuel.

Remember "Jesus, Take the Wheel" in the car, and look forward to that "new song" God promised you. :)

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Jane,
Congratulations on stepping out of the boat! This is a wonderful, yet I know challenging, point in your life. I know you have the personality and faith to make it a wonderful experience for you and for those you are teaching. Keep your head up and enjoy it for all it's worth. We'll be praying for you and thinking of you daily! By the way, I hope you enjoyed sleeping with my wife last night!!

Take care!