Wednesday, August 23, 2006

freak out session

had a little freak-out yesterday. I seem to be having more and more of those lately. Reality is setting in - oh my goodness, I'm really going. I'm actually putting stuff in my suitcase now, selling my car, giving back apartment keys. Mood swings are setting in too. Totally excited - to scared - to totally excited again - to sad - to excited.
Excitement seems to be the general consensus though.


Anonymous said...


Just wanting to send you hugs and encouragement in these tough days as you say 'goodbye for now' to your family and friends in Alberta. You're right about one thing, a goodbye does mean a hello is around the corner. That was one thing we lived on for 3 years! But go in God's love and grace, knowing He cares for you no matter what, no matter where! Trust Him in all you do, and He will make your paths straight! Can't wait to see a pic of you in a Geisha (?)'ll be just as pretty as ever! See you soon, so honoured to be part of an Ontario stopover! With much love from all us Haves

Jane said...

Thanks Haves.

That's a reminder that I needed tonight. I'm so excited to see you all tommorrow and on the weekend. Its such a short visit, but I couldn't pass it up!
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi precious...I am so glad to read your blog. I have been thinking about you, it almost seems, non stop over the past two days. I found it very difficult to leave you at the airport. I hope it won't be too long before we see you again. You will have lots to share with people. Everyone wants to know how you found things when your arrived. I am going to make sure they have the address to your blog. It blew me away that you wrote us such a great account after just having arrived. I know that I probably could not have done it at least for a day or two. Please write again soon as we want to hear about everything. Love Dad