Friday, April 06, 2007

japanese cherry blossoms: the surprising resurrection

These were taken the last few days at Nijo Castle in Kyoto and Banpaku Park in Osaka. to see more if you like.

Its Easter weekend. Most likely, you are with your families. Eating good food, sharing wine together, worshipping at church and reflecting on life.For me, this is an Easter like no other. Mostly because all the things I typically associate with the holiday are absent. Family. Church. And good food. But, I guess I have learned something new about myself that I would like to share with you.

These last few days, I have been to a few places in Kyoto and Osaka, wanting to participate in the cherry blossom festivities that Japan so dearly loves. Mostly, to take all the pictures that I could. And to see these flowers up close. Little did I know how much these little white flowers would speak to me.

I realized how much coming to Japan this year was actually about sacrifice and letting go. Sacrifice for not only me, but my family as well. Us having the courage to let go of each other for a time. Not really knowing what the outcome would be. Its almost like a grieving takes place. A time of separating from attachments. I remember fall and winter in Osaka, being a time of cold weather and bare trees. I felt like this was kind of the wilderness I was wandering into. By the time all the leaves had fallen...everything around me seemed to be barren. But, this needed to happen in order for new things to take place. I guess God was teaching me, and is teaching me still, that I need to die to myself, in order for new life to emerge. I didn't actually know how much this time would mean an even greater anticipation of things to come.

Part of the beauty of the cherry blossom, is that it is surprisingly beautiful. I think I just said beauty in the same sentance. There are so many clustered together. Some of the places I visit over the last few days, I would turn the corner of Nijo Castle, for example, and see a whole lane of nothing but cherry blossoms above. I walked a larger street in Banpaku Park today, and above me only the decorated branches of the cherry trees. And families and couples stretched out for picnics, drinking sake and partaking in bento boxes. Its as if everyone is together, in a tent of white blossoms, if you will. If you can picture it. Its as if a shelter is created by these flowers. There is life surrounding you - above you, behind you, beside you. Its as if everyone becomes like a child again, standing in awe and playing beneath the trees. I couldn't help but feel in awe of my Creator, like a child. Wanting to look up, and loose myself in the beauty. Or try to collect the falling petals in my hands.

And yet, with so much beauty, there also appears to be mystery as well. A mystery that is hard to articulate. As I strolled these streets decorated with sukura, I felt some sort of renewal take place. I feel like I see easter differently. I feel easter differently. The death and resurection that we think about during this time of year, is so often experienced in our heads. At least, this is how I experienced it for a long time. What if we are meant to see it, to feel it in our hands, to taste it, and to drink it in. For the women who came to the tomb on the third day of Jesus' death, I think they must have been very surprised and didn't know what to do with themselves. A resurrection? Who knew????!!!! For me, I couldn't even fathom the beauty of such a flower. Nor have the feeling of surprise attached with it.

I wish I was a poet at times like these, I don't seem to have the words to quite let you into my heart or my thoughts. All I have are these few awkward thoughts and phrases.

Easter. Maybe, we need to taste, eat, and see it. This is my prayer for each of you as you both grieve Jesus's death, and celebrate the stone being rolled away. I wish you a surprising resurrection season!!


Anonymous said...

wow, Jane. that is a beautiful post. i am trying to imagine how amazing it must be to have yourself surrounded by the blossoms - to feel alive in and with them.
I wish I could experience that for myself. I think it is so wonderful that you are able to take those pains of separation and reflect on them, and recognise what is taking place inside of you. I had a really hard time moving away from the pain. I got stuck there a lot.
You sound so happy, and that makes me happy.
I hope the rest of your easter is just as powerful.
with love,

Anonymous said...

My dear and beautiful friend. I see your card, a picture of you, or something from second year and I think of you. Oh you strong and beautiful woman. I look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks!