Friday, April 13, 2007

"daniel me...sand the floor...."

Current location: couch in my apartment
Currently eating: beef and rice, with tea on the side.
Currently watching: Karate Kid 2.

I made my second attempt to visit my favorite place...the immigration office. It was a rather humid in Osaka today, as I made my way on 3 subway lines. I knew that the office stopped taking people at 4pm, so I was running in between stations. I usually find here that things tend to take longer and usually take more effort then expected. And you usually end up sweating at some point.
The subway was extra crowded today. I almost had to laugh as it pulled up to the station, as everyone inside was squeezed in like sausages. And as the doors opened, the people poured out. My feet sore from my high heels, so I took off my shoes as I sat down on the seat. Got a strange look from a business man.By the time I made it to Tanimachi, a bead of sweat slid down my back.

I was beginning to doubt that I would make it on time, as I attempted to walk in my heels, feet now blistering. (Why do I even wear them? I must admit...I do like the feeling sometimes of walking with my coffee in hand, wearing my blazer and heels and stepping on the train in the mornings on th way to work. I somehow feel...important. I digress)

I remembered I forgot to write down the exit last of course, I took the wrong one. Ended up at Osaka Castle though. Nice place. Looked at my watch. 3:40pm. Dang. I So I made the only logical decision- I took my shoes off, and ran in my bare feet to the office! 3:50. Took the elevator. Put my shoes back on. No time to stop for a toilet break. Quickly handed my passport, filled out a re-entry form in...get this...2 minutes! Sweat now pouring down my forehead. Its now 3:55. I was given a number and told to wait. I made it. I made it. I was sweaty and disgusting...but I made it.
2 hours later, I walked out with my re-entry permit in hand. Feeling proud of myself. Sweating profusively. But proud.

Its really the small victories in life that help sustain us, isn't it.


Jane said...

you all must think i sweat alot or something. really. i don't. just today i did.
...wait a second!! - i'm human, and a girl - and yes, i sweat. there. i said it.

bri said...

ha. i can see it all in my head...and for some reason, it reminded me of this commercial I saw years back: