Sunday, January 21, 2007

"when we're together...everything just feels so transparent..."

So, as I sit and contemplate the happenings of the day, I can't help but feel satisfied. I, Jane, successfully (and modestly) played Ms. Matchmaker between 2 of my students.

Mr.T, we will call him, comes to our Kita Senri branch fairly often. He is about to complete his PhD in chemistry, enjoys travel and is familiar face around our branch. I often see him in Starbucks and we frequently strike up a conversation. Whenever one of the teachers has a class with him, it doesn't really fee like teaching at all, he is just a pleasure to talk to. He is so articulate and I often find myself learning from him in classes.
Now...Ms. K, we will call her, is an arcitecture student and Osaka University. I frequently have her in one of my classes and she is just lovely. She is one of those people where you feel like you have known her in another life or something.
Both Mr. T and Ms. K happened to meet for the first time today in one class they had with me. The topic we were discussing was t.v commercials and the media. Both high level students, conversation seemed to be flowing. This was the first time they had been in a class together. Excitement seemed to be lingering in the air. I noticed they kept making eye contact throughout the lesson and seemed to really be hitting it off. Mr. T seemed to be very coy as well. Wanting to play it cool. Good man. Both being in their twenties, I put two and two together, and figured that they needed to date. For goodness sake - some one needed to do something. I felt bad for the housewife that was sitting between them, I think she felt a little awkward, as Mr. T and Ms. K seemed to be carrying on about this and that.

After the lesson, I pulled Mr.T aside, and said that Ms. K seemed like a nice girl and commented that I couldnt believe that they hadn't met before. I said that he needed to ask her for coffee at Starbucks after class and they could have "english conversation" together (I love how this is basically code for "lets date" in Japan).
He asked, "do you think she would be interested?I have been searching for a girlfriend recently," he said. I told him a little more about her and how I both knew they share a love of travel, and english! It would be perfect. He seemed to be very appreciative, but so shy about the whole thing. "Thanks for the advice," he said.

They both had another class together after this, but my shift was over, so I'm not sure if he took the plunge and asked her out, but I will keep you posted. This was seriously a moment to be treasured for sure. I had to share it with you. I seriously find some students here absolute diamonds! This is why I love my job!

I sometime wonder why our textbook doesn't have a lesson on how to ask people out on a date. Could have been useful today. Hmm...

English: its brings people together.

I am a sap.


bri said...

" brings people together" favorite quote of the day

quick you have iTunes capability out there with you? Like on your computer at home or work or anything?

Jane said...

i wish i did. still waiting on getting more memory for my laptop. its a little slow to be putting alot of programs on it. once i get it, i will probably be getting iTunes as well.