Friday, November 03, 2006

Kyoto in autumn: good for the soul.

(the link above is to Kinkakuji Temple, where I visited in Kyoto)

"Kyoto was Japan's capital and the emperors residence from 794 until 1868. It is now the country's seventh largest city with a population of 1.4 million people and a modern face.
Over the centuries, Kyoto was destroyed by many wars and fires, but due to its historic value, the city was not chosen as a target of air raids during World War II. Countless temples, shrines and other historically priceless structures survive in the city today. "

Kyoto, how I love thee. I did not know how much I needed this until I arrived.

After a slight change in plans, I actually ended up just going for one full day on Wednesday. I was determined to get out of Osaka. My psyche needed it.
The train ride was magical. You get closer and closer to the mountains as you approach the city. It was a partly sunny, misty morning, and as the train pulled into Kyoto Station, I new I was in for a treat. Anyone who travels here in the future, you should know that Kyoto is so convienent to travel by bus. A $5.00 ticket for the whole day. You can go anywhere. Also, a number of the scenes from Memoirs of a Geisha were filmed in this city. Aparently, it is the second most visited city in the world. So I've heard.
I managed to make my way to Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto. I think the most famous of temples here. An entire pavillion made out of gold!! It is surrounded by the lushest of gardens, ponds and meditation sites. Not to mention outdoor tea houses for the tea lover (mom...I will take you here when you guys come here in May). As soon as I stepped foot on this temple site, I had goosbumps. It is glorious.
Down the street is Ryuanji Temple. The location of a very famous Zen garden. I think what I will remember the most about this place, is not the temple itself, although breathtaking...but they required all visitors to take their shoes off. I think there is something rather profound about this. You can sit, contemplating the order of the cosmos (I guess this is what you do at at Zen garden), meditate/contemplate (I did. Not on Budda. But on what I was wanting to have for lunch.)
The temple is surrounded again by a beautiful garden, many spots where fractions of light would hit the trees. You then come to a beautiful site, where you can view the mountains and the already changing leaves of autumn. It was like someone had taken a paintbrush and brushed these beautiful mysterious colours over the land. I started to weep. I was overwhelmed with...well...I'm not sure what. Seeing the mountains really reminded me of home. (ok, here come the water works again).

The last few days had been really rough up until Wednesday. Although most days are really good for me, it just in the last 5 days, where I really felt boxed in by this sometimes overwhelmingly huge city of Osaka. And not having steady internet or email or contact with the outside world has really made me feel claustraphobic at times. Once we get our connection from Yahoo at the apartment, I know I will have a better perspective. Once again, I think God really reminded me last night through this verse in 1 Ptr, talking about being foreigners in the land, and how He will comfort us and defend us (I think applicable to Bri, Sarah and Lindsay right now too. I thought of you guys when reading this). No way - this just happened to be the devotional in this book I have been reading. I think I'm coming to know Him as my companion here. Even today, Osaka looked just a little better again. Like it did when I first got here...exciting and not so big.

Is it wrong, that when I feel down/homesick some days, that I put on the "Jane" song by Barenaked Ladies? Strange, perhaps, yet therapeutic, I think.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there hun... I can understand how you feel in some senses, but rest in the arms of God. If He brought you there, He'll bring you through it. He'll walk you through every step of the journey whether you're frolicking through flowers or trudging through thorns... Each day he's making you more and more like the woman he designed you to be!
I love you SO much! You are such an amazing woman! Here's some hugs and all my love!!
Love Jer

Anonymous said...

"Over the centuries, Kyoto was destroyed by many wars and fires, but due to its historic value, the city was not chosen as a target of air raids during World War II."

what a beautiful thing. what the world needs are more of those kinds of decisions.


bri said...

Oh Jane! I wish I could switch my flight so I would have a layover in Japan with you for a week so I could go there and see the place! I'm so glad you got out of Osaka for a while too.
And its definitely not wrong to have a homesick song...even if it is by the barenaked ladies. haha.

Anonymous said...

Your description of Kyoto makes it so enticing to want to go there. Had no idea it was such a popular place - gives new meaning to the "Kyoto Accord"! God bless. Dad

LindsayAnne said...

J-a-a-a-ne. Well i think its a good song. Keep it up Jane:) *hug*