Friday, October 06, 2006

autumn rain

The other day, it was raining here in Osaka. Strangely, I enjoyed it. I felt this odd peace inside. Later that day, I just happened to come across Psalm 84. Part of the verse is "What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. They will continue to grow stronger..."

I hope this speaks to you somehow today. Psalm 84. Read it.


PS - Happy Birthday Krista (tomorrow anyways). I love that we have the same birthday. I will think of you in Japan, if you think of me in Edmonton!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
This is Grandma. I am over at Kathy's and have read your blog. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. It makes us wish we were there. Glad you found a church and met alot of new friends. Hope you had a Happy Birthday.
Love Grandma

Candice said...

Happy belated birthday Jane!

Jane said...

Grandma! So glad to hear from you! I sent you something in the mail the other day, you should be getting it shortly. Thank you so much for the birthday card. I made my day!
Love you.

Anonymous said...

Jane, my friend. Happy Belated birthday. I compeletly forgot to wish you happy birthday on the phone when we talked, guess im a little scatterbrained these days, too much excitement to think straight. Sorry about that. So happy birthday!!! Cant wait to hear your voice again!!

Anonymous said...

Jane...the coffee left a stain!! haha. Everytime I see it I think of you... :)
Love you, Jer

Jane said...

My bad - I guess I should be careful when I call people by surprise!! Send me the bill for cleaning Jer! Ha.Ha

LindsayAnne said...

hope you had a happy bday jane! I'm glad things are going well. here's a toast to world travellers. i'll go read ps 84 now:)

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear Jane,
Once agian I am listening to your CD and I am thinking of you. Girl I would love to be with you just to experience what you have in the last few days. I told the Principal of my school today( whom has made my job permanent) that i am heading in the mission field. And she has given me her blessing.
It is such a comfort to know how much support I have. I always keep in mind if at any time I am going through tough times Romans 5:3,4 and I just have to stop and be amazed at how much I have been through already that I can't wait for more. God bless your willing heart.
Love Sheena

Jane said...


So good to hear from you! Hey, whats your email? I would love to keep in touch with you girl! God bless your willing heart!!
