Tuesday, September 05, 2006

hello, my name is jane, I will be your teacher today...

Well. I have had my first few days of training and am feeling totally wiped like I never have before. A good wiped, I guess. Everythings just feels like a big whirlwind. (side note...you know when you make a really big decision that will affect your future, and you have been wanting to do it for a long time - and then, when you actually do, you regret it for like 2 seconds, you question yourself and wonder at times "why am I doing this?" - and then it turns out to be the best thing you have ever done!? Thats how I feel right now. I'm somewhere in between those sentences though!)
I have been training with 3 other people, I love our group (there are 2 other Canadians!! - that put me at ease already! Oh yeh, and Evan from the States is pretty cool too!). It seems like we have become good friends in just a matter of 2 days. Our trainers, Janette and Helen are really wonderful- and well, super perkey (all the time!!!!) - it's almost funny. So encouraging, alway helping and supporting. We have learned in a smaller setting together and then then literally thrown in, into the classroom. We have about 2-4 students at a time (groups of both young and old, which I like), and we are in cubicles around a table. Play word games, do scenarios and practice sounding words. Students generally have a basic level of english, our job is to help polish it up!
The training has been incredibly intense. Its like we practice in the safety of our group and then we immiediately try and apply what we have just learned. It defanitely keeps you on your toes. I feel myself getting anxious at times, but mostly, I think I'm really going to enjoy teaching - once I get used to it. All the teachers at this particular branch are so friendly and helpful. We have been shadowing them and learning alot from them. And although it feels like we are unsure alot of the time right now, they insure us that in a week we will be feeling fine! Not to mention the Japanese students we are teaching are so keen and are smiling all the time, so it makes it easier as a teacher.
I think I have been learning that since living here, you think that you have given your limit for the day, but then is seems like you always have to give a little more after that. Its not like you can break from Japanese culture when you get off work - you then travel the subway home, weaving your way through the ALWAYS crowded underground, making sure to walk to the left, bowing when others oblige you, and (oh yeh), not blowing your nose in public!!. Its just learning the way people do things, how the Japanese approach life. Plus - it is so humid here!!! Feel like I'm always sweating!! Thank goodness work is air conditioned!
I gotta get to bed. Ps, I get to look at many of your faces on my wall of pictures before I go to bed. It gives me courage.

Thanks for stopping by.

ps - I found a church to go to Saturday nights (potentially). Osaka International Church. I'm excited to check it out.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,
It's so fun to read your adventures. I didn't realize that I could comment on stuff- that's great!! I smiled when I read that you had a nap and a little cry the other day. I'm sure that it must be super overwhelming. It's not like you just went to States or something- you went to JAPAN and from what I hear it's a little different over there:)
You're a brave girl though Jane and I know that this will be an incredible transforming time- you won't even realize how much you've grown until you get back I'm sure. It sounds like you are enjoying the people that you have met. And I know they will be enjoying you! So I hope you are having a good today.
With love,

Shaggy Z said...

Hey Jane! A few months back I was thinking about teaching in Japan for Nova so I'm glad I stumbled across your blog!

Sam (from King's)

Anonymous said...

Hey Hun,
I'm so thankful for your blogs just to hear how your days are going. I miss you dearly hun. You are a beautiful young woman. Japan is blessed to have you among them! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day today!
With love, Jer

Anonymous said...


from brooke :)