Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Greetings everyone from Osaka-Shi Japan! Mom, Dad, I made it safely! I want to call you. I still have to find out a good time to do that. I'm totally exhausted right now. I've basically had no sleep over the past 24 hrs. But, surprisingly, I'm in relatively good spirits.

Oh man, I can't believe I'm here. After a wonderful weekend in Ontario with my good friend Jer and her family, and a very tearful goodbye, I said good bye Canada and hello Japan!

Where do I begin. Well, perhaps I will give you just a few highlights (and lowlights) of my day. (which is about 15 hrs ahead, if you didn't know!

The flights felt long and I felt restless. Which is not a good combination. Julie - I managed to take a crack at a Sudoku book a bought at the airport. I love those things. I thought of you while doing them!
On flight from Vancouver to Osaka, there were a bunch of us English teachers with Nova that sat together, so that helped to pass the time. Including one girl from Edmonton. It was so great to finally meet other instructors and to share our excitement together, and our anxieties.
Ok, you will all laugh at the plane, this one girl Amy and I, noticed that there were a number of Asian women and Caucasion men with kids (and vis versa). One lady told me she came over to teach with Nova 13 years ago, had a child with a Japanese man, and is still living in Japan to this day. It's a pretty fertile place, this Japan. Don't get any ideas people.
We arrived to a noticeably humid and partly cloudy 27 degree Osaka. One of the Nova employees Jared (an Australian) greeted us and he gave us directions on where to go. Nova took care of our bags for us, and I wastold to proceed to the train station outside the airport to get to Osaka-Shi. It was so nice not to have to worry about anything, we all felt so looked after!
During the 50 minute train ride to my apartment (praise God for air conditioning!), despite my droopy eyes, I was immediately captured by this city. Seeing thousands of people waiting for the train, Japanese characters on every building and advertizement, bicycles everywhere and one green field after the next. As I was on my own during the train ride, Nova arranged for Stephen, another e.mployee, to meet me on the platform to take me on foot to the apartment.

I'm so pleased with the apartment.The style is very different from anything I have ever seen. (I wil try to post pics in the next few days It is literally kitty corner from a grocery store, a few restraunts, and there is a workout facility right in front. I can walk everywhere. The apartment itself has 3 rooms with the traditional sliding doors, simply furnished with a cozy table, tv. and an industrial looking kitchen. I like it. My room is actually quite spacious. When I arrived, sure enough, my futon was waiting there for me, folded up in a package. Feeling rather greasy, I had a quick bath, in our square tub and attempted to figure out how all the lights turn on. Interesting.
My roomates still have not come home yet, but they left me a little note making me feel so welcome. Mariah is also letting me use her laptop, which I'm so thankful for.
I managed to snag a teriaki chicken burger at Mo's Burger's for supper (which, by the way, was miniature size. I loved it. It made me realize how big our portions are getting in North America). And now, I'm sitting here, sipping my Baileys (a flight attendent gave me and this other girl a few small bottles, saying that we would need them when we got to Japan. Boy was she right! I'm seriously so exhausted.), and listen to some Diana Krall ( I love thee.)
I have the next few days to relax, and then monday I start my 3 days of training and then beging teaching. I feel like there is so much to explore. I'm so excited to be taking the train this year. It will be a whole new way of getting around.
I'm also excited to practice living more simply. Jill, if your still reading this, you were right about the room and the futon. Room, good size. Futon, will defanitely need to purchace like 2-3 more to stack on top of each other.
I feel really good about all of this. Even though, I'm so tired, I'm excited to explore this area over the next few days. Its funny though, I'm already noticing my minority-ness. I've gotten quite a few looks while walking down the street. Or, maybe I had something in my teeth.

Thinking of you all.
I'm doing well. Please, I would just appreciate prayer regarding adjusting in the next few days.

I will be in touch soon. Thanks for all your notes of encouragment. It means so much.

ps - its actually 8pm here, not 3am like the blog says, but now that I think of it, that's the clock I'm operating on. Oh, thats a sickly hour.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane-O
You were the first thing on my mind when I woke up this morning! So glad you made it safely to Osaka! And although you are exhausted, you sound happy and relieved!! That is so amazing! God has watched over you and will continue to bless and inspire you...of that we are sure!
Now get some rest! And never mind Mark asking about how you liked sleeping with his wife on Monday just have to remind him that his mother slept with her first!!!
Love you tons and God bless!!!
The Nymans

Anonymous said...

Im so happy to hear you are there safe and quite cheerful. Im so proud of you girl!!!! Life is definatley an adventure, and im so glad you jumpng in head first, its the only way. Im looking forward to hearing your thoughts on everything, you know you have been in like 6 countries within 3 months!!!!!! your crazy girl!! and to top it all off, you even kayaked down the mighty white waters of the pembina river!!!! ok i think ive established my exclamation mark quota!!!!!! Yeah!!! im just so excited for you.
I Love you girl, keep you head up, you can do anything!


Anonymous said...

Jane-O!!!!!!!!!!! (the nymans call you jane-o too!! thats awesome!!) Wow, everything sounds so exciting over in Japan!! What an adventure! I'm so glad that you survived that crazy long flight! Anyways, I just wanted to say that you're a very special person, and we all love you dearly here in Ontario. It was so great to be able to see you this past weekend, even though it was only for a few days...but we all needed to get our Jane fix before you left!! So go take on the world because we all know you can!! Love you hun!!


Anonymous said...

hey sis...Glad to hear you made it ok! This blogging thang is quite cool i must admit. I just thought I'de send you a little note b4 I went to sleep. I'm thinking about you and sending all good thoughts your way. I was cooking up a storm today for the hawaiian dinner tommorow and I wish you could be here to taste it! Ah well- i would choose japanese food over mine too! alrighie well good bye, au revoir, ching chong chay! (hee-hee)
luvs, Jules xoxo

Jane said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. I chuckled a little at each of them. Julie, I laughed at "ching, chong chay" - oh the memories! Seriously guys, I truly love your comments. Its makes my day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

I am glad that you are settling in well. Your description brings back so many memories of my first weeks in Japan. (I desperately miss the 100 yen stores) and being able to walk where ever I go. The bicycles with baskets are known as "mamacheri" - mama meaning mom and cheri another word for bike. I highly recommend getting one with baskets! they are great for shopping and ride like cruisers - very comfy!
Take care and have fun! Jill